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Are you doing the same things over and over and expecting different results?

Do you "resemble" any of these concerns?

You don't have an instructor but would like to keep learning and be the best rider you can for your horse.


You have an instructor but would like fresh ideas and exercises to use while you ride on your own.


You want a clearer understanding of the aids, movements, figures and even how to improve the quality of movement of the gaits.


You are a riding instructor and want to add a little pizzaz to your lessons - all set up and ready to go!



Regardless of your riding discipline and level, you want something more than just riding lesson videos.

Finally! The Ultimate Rider-Centered Program!

Ready for something completely different?

This is NOT a program where you watch other people's riding lessons. 

Instead, join one of the Internet's most integrated rider development programs available. Start working with your horse from Day 1.

What is involved?

It's not just about the exercises, although the exercises are the beginning. There's so much more!

The Practice Sessions

Every two weeks, you'll get a new "Practice Session" designed to meet specific horse and rider skills. The patterns are delivered through carefully prepared, animated "whiteboard videos," where the patterns are clearly drawn out and explained. We will focus on the current Practice Session in our Facebook community, going over any questions, comments and wins that people have.

Sample goals include:

  • Improving Suppleness (lateral and longitudinal)
  • Use of the inside hind leg
  • Balanced circles - sizes and shapes

Includes figures such as serpentines, straight lines, corners, tear drops, and more!

*  Throughout: tips and strategies to improve all relevant rider aids





SPECIAL Bonus: Ground Work Sessions

In addition to the Practice Sessions, each alternating week will feature a new ground skill. You'll never need to spend more than 10 minutes on these if you do them each time before or after you ride (or on off days). So you will get either a Practice Session or a Groundwork exercise each week.

  • Leading
  • Cross-tie Manners
  • Relationship-Developing


Quality of Movement Exercises

These are short exercises you can do with your horse at any time to work on quality of movement, communication, or transitions. They are perfect for warm-ups, middle-of-the-ride breaks, or at the end of the ride as an excellent way to cool down while still maintaining attention and communication.

  • Simple and well explained but with the details you need
  • Mix and match according to your and your horse's current needs
  • Theory at your fingertips!


Aids & Figures Mini-Lessons

This growing library of whiteboard videos focus on the specifics. Watch to learn about:

  • the rider's aids
  • the rider's position
  • detailed theory for each figure
  • strategies to ride quality figures

In order for the above exercises to be truly useful, we need more than just patterns. The following bonuses create a robust program designed to help you be successful in this online learning platform!


BONUS: Facebook Group

  • Motivation & Support       
  • Connect With Others In The Community
  • Ask Questions
  • Share Tips & Progress
  • Post Your Videos For Feedback!
  • Quick and Easy Access
  • I personally post and answer questions EVERY DAY


BONUS: PDF Downloads

  • Detailed "Cheat Sheets" for all Practice Sessions
  • Special eBook compilations such as the Tuesday #tips 
  • Print off and take to the barn!


BONUS: Audio Downloads

  • ALL videos have companion audio versions
  • Download to your computer or device
  • Listen anywhere, anytime!


BONUS: Progress Emails

  • Complete the monthly Progress Emails
  • Keep track of your accomplishments and challenges
  • Email me directly with your own specific questions



BONUS: Q & A Audio Downloads

  • Ask questions at any time
  • Get your questions answered in the monthly Q & A audios
  • Listen in on all the archived questions!
  • Full transcripts available


BONUS: Optional Remote Coaching

  • purchase half-hour sessions
  • chat live or on phone
  • send me videos
  • personalized feedback and goal-setting



Total Value of Bonuses Per Month:

         It's all included! 

Join our community!

If you've read my blog...

Book Signing

... you know pretty much everything you need to know about me, my style, my background and teaching technique. I've freely shared much of what I know right there on the blog, so you can use all the articles as resources to help you along your riding journey.

But over the years, many blog readers have contacted me about how I might be able take the blog to the "next level." So while the articles are there for all to access and read, they don't (and honestly, they can't) get into the nitty gritty HOW of everything. In order to do that, I need more space, more effort, and even a different platform than a blog.

Photo Credit: J. Boesveld

When I teach my in-person students, I can give them all the details they need for each exercise. I can structure the lesson and add theory into the mix as we go. I've been doing the Practice Sessions informally for the past 10 years, creating them, then evaluating them for effectiveness, and then refining them as various students and horses gave me feedback. So when I envisioned the Practice Sessions, my intention was to do something similar over the Internet.

As a certified Equine Canada coach, I've spent over 20 years teaching literally hundreds of people how to improve their riding skills and develop better communication and harmony with their horses. Now, I want to bring this experience right to your barn!

I have ridden ALL the Practice Sessions myself  with several different horses, including my own. I have taught them to riders at different levels, riding all types of horses at different levels.

Then I put them together into detailed videos.


1. Start With A Questionnaire

This will give me a clear picture of you, your horse, your goals, and any specific problems. This will ensure you get the best start possible.

2. Work On The Exercises

Once you enter the Dashboard area, you'll get access to the current Practice Session.

Also, find the current Ground Work exercise in your email every other week.

Take them to the barn and practice!

3. Facebook Group

Join the group. This is where you will get the most benefit. Share videos. Check in with questions, comments and tips.

4. Progress Email

You will receive a progress email at the end of each month. The email will ask you specific questions about your progress to date. I will personally read and respond!


I accept a limited amount of remote coaching per month. While I cannot come physically to your barn, I can give you quite a lot of feedback through remote coaching. Purchase half-hour sessions at a time at a very special price of only $39.99.

Private, one-on-one chats - through text (Facebook Messaging) or on the phone or live video using WhatsApp. You will have to have either Facebook or WhatsApp set up on your phone or computer already before booking the remote coaching appointment.

Video feedback: I will watch and comment on any videos you send me (through Facebook Messaging) while we are talking live.

You can ask any specific questions about your particular challenges.

We can goal set - short term and long term.

One session (specific problem) or multiple sessions (ongoing feedback).


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Practice Sessions?

I want to take the excellence of the blog to the next level with this concept. So I have designed a robust, program-like concept that I hope will address many areas of your riding. The Practice Sessions themselves are whiteboard, animated videos that take you step-by-step through a series of well-planned, sequential figures designed to improve specific areas of you and your horse's skills.

Are the Practice Sessions for beginner riders?

In order to get the most benefit from the Practice Sessions, you should be able to comfortably walk, trot and canter your horse. However, the Practice Sessions can always be modified to meet your needs (so if you aren't cantering at the moment, you can change the canter sections to trot). There is a lot of theory and information embedded into the Practice Sessions that will help beginner riders understand the details right from the beginning.

How can the Practice Sessions help my horse?

The Practice Session exercises are designed to help a specific area of training. Monthly themes such as "The Rider's Seat," "Leg Yields", "Flexion & Bend," and others give us an overarching topic to focus on in the exercises and theory. However, every exercise affects many other skill areas such as impulsion, engagement, working better over the back (longitudinal suppleness), stepping underneath better with the inside hind leg, bend (lateral suppleness), and much, much more.

How can the Practice Sessions help me?

Obviously, there can be no improvement in the horse without improvement in the rider! The Practice Sessions can help you understand various basic riding figures (movements). The Aids & Figures Mini Lessons give you detailed explanations of the aids, how to use the aids (strategies) and what the timing should be like. Feel is discussed where relevant. And there's more! You will learn about placement of the figures, what you're looking from the horse, and even when you should add in a half-halt!!

I don’t ride dressage. Will the Practice Sessions help me in my chosen discipline?

If you've read the horselistening blog, you will know that one of the main goals I have is to write about the basics. While I come at everything from a dressage (/western/natural horsemanship/long distance trail) perspective, and I generally use the dressage patterns and figures, many people from various disciplines (saddle seat, western, reining, hunter/jumper, and gaited horses) have told me how the exercises have benefited them and their students. If you have any questions, just send me a quick query using the contact button below!

*Special Note To Coaches

Dear coach, 

These Practice Sessions are pre-made to fit easily and effectively into your regular dressage, flat, reining or western general performance lessons. They come complete with defined goals, detailed explanations of the aids, and printable exercises. Your membership gives you the right to personally print off and use all of the images and ideas with your students. However, if your students would like their own copies, please encourage them to get their own membership. Thank you!

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