Every ride starts with a warm-up. But there is a huge difference between a warm-up and a Warm-Up.
Many people think that because the horse starts the ride "cold", that the warm-up has to be slow and under-power. They think that it takes a long time to let the horse's body warm up and therefore, they need to take things easy.
The warm-up proceeds at a fairly leisurely pace. The legs move, the horses truck along and riders feel that in ten or fifteen minutes, the "real" work can start. They do very little during that time - just stay on and get the horse moving. There may or may not be a canter in that first fifteen minutes or so, but even if there is, the canter is stiff and laborious.
After all, the horse shouldn't put too much effort into the movement that early in the ride. Right?
The Most Important Goal in Horse Riding
Regardless of discipline, what would be the most significant effect a rider would want to have on her horse?
We all want our horses to improve in their athletic development, skill acquisition and connectedness. Much of our rider development and training efforts go into working toward our show or personal goals. These steps and stages are essential to our overall development.
But the best riders aspire to do one essential thing each and every day, regardless of goals and lesson plans.
They work hard to improve their horse's way of going. Because proper balance and weight carriage is essential to a horse's longevity.
Each and every minute of each and every ride has the potential to contribute to your horse's health and well-being.
Why You Don't Want to "Take It Easy" in the Warm Up
Despite your best intentions, the horse that moves incorrectly is the horse that is hurting himself. Without effective use of the hind end, the horse has more difficulty carrying the rider's weight.
The disengaged horse moves with short strides and a hollow back. The body is stiff and difficult to bend and the horse appears to be sluggish. Transitions come slowly. The horse leans into or out of turns. The body shows little suppleness.
The top line - the area over the back that carries the rider - sags.
Combined together, it is simple to see why slow and soft is not the way to go during a warm-up. It just isn't healthy for the horse.
Not that your riding should be harsh or aggressive. Somehow, you have to find the perfect middle.
So what is the alternative?
The Five Components of the Ultimate Warm-Up
The goal of the warm-up is not only to increase circulation and warm up the muscles. It is also to set the horse up to successfully carry the rider's weight with the best balance possible on that day. Only after the horse is moving well, can the "lesson", or more challenging part of the ride, begin.
1. Energy
The key to all things riding is energy. However, be sure that the energy doesn't translate into legs just moving quicker. Instead, use several half-halts to increase the energy without increasing leg speed. Transfer that energy into longer strides, a swinging back and bouncier movement (indicating better use of the muscles).
2. Topline Use
The horse that uses his top line develops good longitudinal flexion. In clearer terms, being supple over the top of the back means that the horse can carry the rider's weight in a healthier fashion. The muscles contract and release in tandem to allow the horse's back to act as a muscle "bridge" - thereby relieving some of the pressure off the horse's joints while it moves.
3. Bend
Every horse has a stiff and hollow side, but letting him go about the ring in tension is not the answer to the problem. In contrast, work on developing a deeper bend left and right early in the ride. The horse that has lateral suppleness has better balance.
4. Straightness
The horse that can bend well is also the horse that can move straight. In order to be straight, the horse's hind footprints should land into the same track as the front footprints. Beware! True straightness is difficult to develop and takes years of consistent riding to achieve.
5. Rhythm
There is little else in riding that is as essential as rhythm. Every other movement, skill or technique builds upon regular, cadenced footfalls regardless of gait. The warm up should be devoted to developing rhythm - sometimes quicker, sometimes slower and most often, the rhythm that is most ideal for your horse (horses may have different perfect rhythms).
Your warm-up may take only 15 minutes, or it may take up the majority of your ride on a given day. The length of time devoted to improving your horse's movement is always well spent, regardless of whether it seems to take longer than you initially intended.
Although it seems counter-intuitive to ask for energy and suppleness early in the ride, it makes the most sense when considered from the horse's perspective. Simply put, weight-bearing requires energy, strength and suppleness. Instead of letting your horse move along in an unhealthy fashion, amp up the warm-up, ride effectively, get you and your horse breathing and work toward correct movement right from the get-go.
Then listen to your horse and see what he says.
What do you think about doing an active warm-up? Let us know about your warm-up routine. .
Finally! The Ultimate Rider-Centered Program!
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