Showing can be exhilarating and challenging at the same time. The following articles discuss show-related tips and topics.
Five Secrets to Winning at the Horse Show: The fun part about winning is that winning isn’t everything!
Top 6 Ways to Ramp It Up For Show Season: Preparing for the show season may not be as easy as it looks. There are many aspects that go into getting to the show ring, and even more that need to be done before you even set your first trailer tires onto the road.
Be Productive With Your Nervous Energy at the Horse Show: The tension that builds in you during the warm-up ride can be very useful if you know what to do with it.
Do You Have the “X Factor” at the Horse Show? Finding your “X Factor” at the show is not an easy feat. So many things must fall together all at the same time.
Is Dressage Judging All That Bad? A personal essay on the pros and cons of dressage judging.
So Ya Think Ya Got Something to Prove? Then don’t go to the show. Seriously.