Thank you for stopping by! Welcome to one of the Internet's go-to resources for all things riding!
We aren't all superstar riders with superstar horses, riding in the super events with super accolades coming our way. But that doesn't stop us from riding the best we can, putting as much time and effort into riding as possible (within our "real life" constraints and scheduling) and loving our horses. For some of us, striving to be a better rider must become a lifelong aspiration that develops only in proportion to the resources we have in our own backyards.
This blog is especially for people who spend time with horses because of their passion, attraction and love for the horse. You will find a myriad of articles here - some "how to" posts, some thought-provoking posts and even some playing around posts, celebrating our equine friends in every way.
If you like what you are reading and want to see what else I have written in the past, go to the Archives Page to find articles dating back to the very beginning of the blog. And here is the very first post that inspired the blog.
I have been involved in the equine industry for the past 20 years as a rider, boarder, horse owner, competitor, coach, trainer, and breeder. Horse Listening symbolizes the path that has brought me to this place, through a myriad of experiences that have enriched my life and provided me opportunity for growth. With riding backgrounds encompassing western performance, endurance riding and competitive trail, natural horsemanship, and most prominently, dressage, I feel I have developed into a well-rounded and open-minded equestrian, always in search of more learning!

Horse Listening, the blog, has allowed me to fulfill one of my life's dreams: publishing a book! Click here to read about Horse Listening - The Book: Stepping Forward To Riding Success.
In fact, I've now published 6 books to date - the 4 Horse Listening book collections from the blog, a Goal Setting Book designed specifically for the horse rider, and a 5-year Anniversary book with the top 20 articles from the blog up to that date. The feedback has been very encouraging! Thank you to those who have already bought the books.
If you haven't already received our free eBook, #1 Rider Problems Collection, just click here and get the instant download!
Most recently, I spent the past few years planning and then building a new Practice Sessions membership site. The Practice Sessions are geared DIRECTLY to people who want practical ideas to take to the barn, that they can use right away to develop their riding "practice" for the benefit of their own horse.
If you like what you are reading in the blog, feel free to share the links with friends and associates. I am always happy to do a guest post on other web pages and invite other equestrian professionals to do the same here.
Also, subscribe to get instant updates when new articles are published. Feel free to comment and discuss your point of view on any of the topics. I hope you enjoy my "ramblings" on Horse Listening.
With warm regards,
Kathy Farrokhzad
If you'd like to contact me directly, please email me at