2022 was the year we cantered forward (pun!) into a more mature version of Horse Listening. With 11 years now under my belt, I've changed focus this year to spending more time working on the Practice Sessions and developing it into a robust resource for beginner and intermediate riders. What was once an archive of exercises has now morphed into an online coaching platform much like I do in-person, but virtually!

Nowadays, the Practice Sessions revolve around a monthly theme. I create weekly goals that are short patterns or quality of movement exercises dedicated to the theme. Then much of my writing time is devoted to writing tips that connect with the exercise of the week - including topics such as aids, rider position, theory around the "why" of skills and exercises, and what we're looking for in terms of movement and feel from the horse. 2022 saw us consider basic skills, as well as more difficult, feel-based concepts such as "Feel - And Stepping TO The Bit", "Like A Strung Bow!", Walk/Trot and Trot/Walk Transitions, Lateral Suppleness, Impulsion, and so much more!
Meanwhile, the blog was incredibly well-read with over 1.1 million page views! Our Facebook Page grew by tens of thousands (I can't keep track) and zoomed past 50,000 followers - and we now boast a total of 60,300 subscribers to the blog as of today!
Which brings us to the top 20 most read articles of 2022. Combined, there were over 314,000 page views by just these 20 articles this year. And now, without further adieu, please enjoy the best of the best in 2022!
... and drumroll for number 1....
Well, there you have it! I hope you enjoy browsing through our top articles of the year, and thanks again so much for all your likes, comments, shares and follows.
Wishing you the best New Year's, and lots and lots of Horse Listening in 2023!
who is the person behind horse listening and the blogs?
Me! https://www.horselistening.comabout/