*Updated to add: Deadline will be tonight (Jan. 4, 2016) at midnight EST as we've blown over the 10,000 "likes" point already!
Dear readers,
The Horse Listening Facebook page is less than 100 "likes" from 10,000 fans! Wow! It's hard to believe that the blog has garnered such a following!
When I first thought about opening a Facebook page, I wasn't quite sure what I was going to post on the timeline. At first, I only posted alerts about new articles when they became available on the blog. Then as I wrote more, I realized that I could highlight one post a day - old or new - as a way to give readers a topic to think about each and every day.
As the archives became more robust, one post became two posts and this is where we are today. The morning post is a more practical article while the afternoon post is more conceptual. I have some plans for the Facebook page this coming year, but I will continue to mainly use the page as a vehicle to disseminate information so you can have ideas and thoughts (literally) at your fingertips each and every day.
To thank you for your readership, I want to mark this amazing occasion with a random giveaway of two free books shipped directly after the giveaway deadline.
All you need to do to enter is to answer the following question in the comments below:
What horse goals are you working on right now? These goals can be riding goals or not - but they must be relevant to you learning about horses somehow.
- The deadline for entry is midnight (Eastern Standard Time) of the day that the Facebook page reaches 10,000 likes! We are only 90 likes away at the time of writing this, so enter quickly, as it may happen within the next few days!
- Only one entry per person.
- The draw will be completely random, based only on the comments below (*comments on Facebook will not be valid*). Winners can pick the book of their choice.
- Be sure to enter using the comment section for this post. Winners will be announced the next day right here on the blog. Make sure you come back to check for winners on the blog or the Facebook page if you aren't already subscribed to the email list.
In the meantime, canter over to our Facebook page and give us a "like" if you haven't done so already, so you can get daily articles on your own Facebook timeline. * To get updated regularly according to the new Facebook options, click on the "Like" icon and update your preferred notification frequency.*
Good luck, and thanks for Horse Listening!