12363268_982076478529386_629174039256233140_oI did another Periscope video this morning. This time, I'm using Kayla and Annahi to demo what they look like in misty rain. I discuss my thoughts about how to blanket horses.

I'm enjoying Periscope for offering me a chance to let you actually see my horses live. I'm enjoying the opportunity to talk to you, but please keep in mind that a) I'm only learning how to use a camera and b) you see the horses "as-is" (muddy, getting wet and living life in their ordinary kind of day).

The video should be up till around 10am EST tomorrow and then it's gone. So if you have a chance, pop in to watch the replay.

There is a part 1 and part 2 because I think my phone crashed in the middle. But they work out fine together! (I'll work on the technical end of things)


THE Blanket Rule For Blanketing Horses - Part 1

Blanketing continues - Part 2