If you haven't heard of Periscope, it's a new live stream platform from Twitter. Basically, I can use my phone to play a live stream of whatever I'm doing while I'm online. If you follow my account, you will be notified when I go online and you can join me any time during the live stream or up to 24 hours afterward.
The stream gets automatically deleted after 24 hours of being online.
Periscope is meant to be an informal platform - so don't expect TV-like spotlights or memorized scripts. In my case, it's going to be horses, barns, me dressed for the barn, and just some good ol' down-to-earth chatting. Plus I still have to learn to use my phone so I get the best picture and sound. I realize that my first stream was very gray - maybe because of the white snow in the background - but I'll work on that.
If you like it, stay online and connect with me through the chat dialogue. You can let me know where you are, what you're doing, and if you have any questions you'd like answered. I can read the chat as I video.
There's also this thing where you can "like" what I'm saying by "giving hearts". Just tap on the bottom right side of the screen and a heart will float up the side. It's cute and gives positive feedback.
You can watch it on your phone or your laptop or other device. As long as you get the link off Twitter, you just go to the page and click on the play button. That's all there is to it!
Well, I'm going to give it a try for the next while. I'll probably video things mostly from the ground, as I usually have to hold the camera myself. But I'll play with different ideas and see how we can connect through Periscope.
You might still be able to see that first stream before it goes offline. Just click here: https://www.periscope.tv/w/1BRJjNApzoRJw
Thanks and let me know what you think!