Just wanted to write a quick note to let you know that I truly appreciated everyone's feedback in feedback thanksregards to my "transitions" idea. Your comments were helpful and clarified my direction for the near future on this blog. I was amazed that so many people took the time to comment on the idea and let me know what they were looking for.

Many people thought that 12 weeks on one topic is too long for a blog forum. Upon consideration, I do agree with that. So I've decided to do a four-week focus as well as my usual single-topic posts each week. 

For those who wanted more - I'm going to take this four-week focus and turn it into a 12-week paid program. Some people suggested videos, others wanted a forum to share ideas and questions, and some were interested in personal feedback. I'd like to address these needs for the people who want them. Look for more info in a few weeks.

Thanks again, and as usual, thank you so much for your readership and comments.

Kathy Farrokhzad,
