There are a lot of problems that can occur when riding a horse. Although they all end up looking like different issues, if you think about it carefully, you might notice that there is one common denominator. Click on the image to see a mind map of behaviors that can be improved using one back-to-basics technique, in any discipline and riding style.
Please note: ALWAYS check with your vet and other professionals first to clear out any health or tack-related concerns.

All of these riding problems have many possible solutions and if one technique doesn't work, it is your job as the rider to find out how to approach it from a different direction. However, there is one solution that will improve if not completely resolve the issue - whether it be straightness, slowness, speed, or any of the other problems listed above.
Not the running faster kind, but the kind that allows the horse to move into strong balance. While you need to encourage the horse to move on, first from your legs and seat, you also should help the horse develop his balance through half-halts so that you don't inadvertently just push him too fast and down on his forehand.
With a combination of energy activation with your seat and legs, and well-timed half-halts, you can encourage (or allow, if your aids have been too tight) the horse to better stride underneath himself and use his own strength to balance.
A truly forward horse doesn't rush. Rather, it feels like he has all the time in the world for his legs to come through for each stride. For the observer, it appears that the horse is in animated movement but it is supremely balanced and in control of his energy.
Just by virtue of moving with energy and impulsion, he straightens out. His legs stride straight ahead. His shoulders and back swing in rhythm with his animated steps. He stops drifting because he uses both sides of his body effectively. By moving "forward", you can dramatically reduce or eliminate his balking, stopping and running backward.
The Result
He has no need to buck, rear or kick out simply because he is confidently moving ahead. The tension in his body dissipates and his ears soften. Because your aids continually give him space to move into, his jaw and poll soften and he begins to respond with increased trust in your aids. He becomes less distracted by objects or other horses and has little to be concerned about other than feeling good in his body and moving.
Suddenly, you discover that your "behind the leg" horse is maintaining his own activity and you have to learn to give him the freedom to move rather than constantly nag with your aids.
Getting There
One of the first things we teach a young horse is how to go forward. But it doesn't stop there. Developing true "forward" (not just forward as in moving ahead) is a lifelong, developmental process that we have to come back to time and again, every time we explore new movements or skills.
Moving truly forward is something you have to work on during your whole ride. It isn't a button you can just press on your horse! Not only do you have to carefully promote it in your horse, but you also have to learn to do it yourself, all the time!
Initially, it seems like an awful lot of work. You might have to become more aware of what you are doing than you have ever been. The tasks of keeping the horse going and then going with him, yourself, are challenging enough to begin with.
As time passes, you become more used to the forward feeling and so does the horse. You both will have an easier time maintaining it especially in the movements that you have mastered. But beware! Every time you learn something new, you need to develop the forward inclination all over again.
Now I'm not saying that forward is the answer to all riding problems. There is so much more to it than the few words I can write here, or anything you might be able to see on a video. But moving in a forward manner is one of the most fundamental aspects of riding.
Developing a true forward feel can only be done with a good instructor who can teach you, give you feedback and then teach you even more after you gain some mastery! But if you give it a try, you might be pleased to see the results - in any riding discipline and style. And most importantly, your horse will thank you.
How do you interpret "forward"? Please comment below.
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