You've booked your lesson.
You've paid your money (or will right after the lesson).
You're taking the time and you've spent effort getting your horse ready.
So now you THINK you're ready for the lesson. But think again.
Being a star student in horseback riding is an art in itself. Aside from the many variables (like the weather, distractions, mood of your horse) that might play into your lesson, there are many other factors that are critical to making the ride enjoyable and useful for you, your horse, and yes, even your instructor!
There is no greater pleasure than the one AFTER your lesson, when you can bask in the glow of hard-earned sweat, and reflect longingly on all the feels, aids and balances that you will try to emulate without your instructor's presence over the next week.
In the meantime, take a look-see through this Top-10 list to see how you rate in your Star search!
*P.S. The items on this list assume that you have your own horse and are riding independently, although many could also apply to a riding school situation.*
10. Do Your Homework.
In other words, don't wait until the lesson to finally pull your horse out of the back field. If you know your horse always goes better the day after you ride, ride him the day before your lesson, so he is at his best when your instructor arrives. If you need to give your horse a day off, then ride two days before and let him rest in between. If you haven't worked in a ring for the past month, book your lesson for a day three weeks down the line, after you've had many rides on your own to get him even slightly "legged up."
9. Be On Time.
If you set the lesson for 10am, be groomed, tacked, bridled, helmet on and maybe even in the ring (depending on your instructor's preference) by 10. Don't make her stand around to watch you groom, unless that is part of the lesson. Try to max out your time with her, in the ring!
8. Be Warmed Up.
Some instructors like to teach through the warm-up. But at some point, you will likely have developed a solid enough routine that you can go ahead and warm up before your instructor arrives. You don't have to run your horse off his feet, but if you know your horse takes 20 minutes to just begin to loosen up, do that before your lesson. Even if your lesson ends up going a bit shorter, the warmed-up horse will be ready to go (as will you) and again, you can get the most value for your time.
7. Park Your Ego at the Gate.
This one can be tough. We all have insecurities and fear factors that are difficult to let go of in the face of even constructive criticism. Letting go of your ego must be learned just as any riding skill you attempt. Try, try again, and do your best to not let your feelings interfere with your ride. Let your instructor do and say what she thinks will benefit you the most. Otherwise, you'll get lots of sugar coating and no results.
6. Think Later.
I guarantee that most of us think too much while we are riding. Although thinking seems to be necessary when you are reprogramming your body to do new things, it is a hindrance when we are trying to move in tandem with a horse. Things happen too quickly for you to have the time to think, send messages back and forth through your body, and then hope for a good result. So think as little as possible and do as much as possible. Save your thinking and questions for when you are on the ground, before or after the lesson. In the meantime, put every ounce of your energy into focusing on your aids and your horse.
5. Don't Stop Riding.
This happens all the time and seems counter-intuitive to learning. As soon as we are challenged with a new concept, we stop the horse, drop the reins, sit flat and begin to consider. Which is exactly what the horse doesn't need. Imagine that your instructor is telling you something that is relevant for that second. And if you don't ride it out, you miss the opportunity to learn. Not only that, once you stop, your horse thinks he's gone on vacation (and so does your body) and you lose all the tone and balance you worked so hard to achieve.
So - keep riding, even if you are grappling with a thought (see #6) and don't really know what to do.
4. Respond Quickly.
Many riders go round and round and round, seemingly oblivious to their instructor's suggestions. So, for example, your instructor sees a good opportunity for you to get your horse into a balanced canter, out of the trot, in just that particular corner, in that particular time frame (which is usually only seconds). She tells you to canter. And you don't. But you trot on, past the corner, past the next corner, and then, finally, step into your first canter stride on the straight line.
Although you did get the canter, your horse is now on his forehand, strung out and struggling to take that first stride from the hind end. The straight line was not a help to your horse, which was exactly why your instructor asked for it in the corner! 😉
Let's say your instructor didn't give you enough time to prepare for the corner. Maybe her instructions were a little later than you needed them to be. What then?
Canter as soon as possible after the moment. Or, make a sharp turn, head right back to the set-up area, and attempt the corner again. No need to worry, just do it.
3. Listen, Try and Trust.
These three qualities may take a long time to develop if you don't do them intuitively on your own. But let's face it - you are asking someone to teach you what they know. So of course, it's important to listen to what they say, even if you don't agree at the moment. Then, give it a try. Trust that they are here to get the best out of you, and have your best interests in mind. If you get to a point that you cannot do these three things, maybe it's time to find another instructor.
2. Make A Change.
The best students have enough skill and gumption (is that a word?) to make a difference in their horse, based on what their instructor is saying. So if she wants you to get your horse to use his hind end, then do it. If you think you already did it, but your horse doesn't respond, do it again! Or do something else. Or pop in a half-halt and then use your seat and leg again. In any case, make something happen. It might not be the right change, but do something. Then you can fine-tune the horse's response.
1. Stop Talking and RIDE!
Hands up if you are one of those riders that talks while they ride (my hand is up)! When your instructor is in the ring, don't! Instead, listen, try, do, do again, change something... focus all your energy on your own body and the horse. Then talk about it after the ride or through the walk breaks.
Trust me, this list is based on personal experience! Although I've taken lessons for more years than I can count, I have to admit that each of these points take time to actually learn to do well. But every one of them is worth the effort, and makes your lesson experience more positive, more educational, and most importantly, more beneficial for your horse.
Because he is the one that matters most!
Do you have something to add to this list? Post in the comments below!
Finally! The Ultimate Rider-Centered Program!
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Horse Listening – Book 2: Forward and Round to Training Success

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