

On this Mother's Day, Annahi (proud mother of two) wants to share her sentiments with the world. Here are the words I imagine she'd say if she spoke.


Dear Little One,

Who arrived just a short few hours ago:

Welcome to the World.


Stand up and mark the earth with your hoof prints.

Breathe the scent-filled air through the flaring nostrils

That will one day feed your  muscle-rippled body as you

Bound boldly atop sand-filled rings and

Grass-carpeted fields.


Grow big and strong,

Learn your leads and laterals,

Engagements and changes.

Above all, carry your human with pride, dignity

And rhythm.


Find your mutual-grooming friend,

The one who seeks you out for each good morning rub

And a peaceful shared nibble from the one hay pile.

Drift away from the herd if necessary but

Enjoy group togetherness, as it is the pleasure of life itself.


May you find the kindness you deserve,

The companionship and care from a human

Who appreciates your beauty and grace

But also  recognizes her responsibility to you

As you make your path through the trails of life.


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