In my little world, there is only one thing almost as good as listening to horses - and that is reader love!
Horse Listening has recently been nominated for not only one, but TWO, "Versatile Blogger" awards. This award is nominated by readers (and writers) themselves (which makes it an incredibly meaningful award).
So thanks go out to:
Sparrowgrass, who has been a regular reader for some time now and has made very kind comments in the past. Her blog can be found here.
Kathryn Mattson, writer of the blog, Unbridled Bliss.
Thank you so much for considering my blog to be worthy of notice!
In receiving the Versatile Blogger Award, I must tell you seven things about myself.
1) I love all things riding and writing.
2) I own four horses, all of which have been featured in pictures on the blog.
3) An elementary school teacher in my "real life", I write only in my "spare time".
4) Horses became my LIFEstyle after I bought my first horse at the age of 21. Over the years, I have been a boarder, student, instructor, trainer, breeder, and barn manager. I've competed in competitive trail and endurance events, all sorts of Western and English performance classes, and most recently, Dressage.
5) I still have my first horse, Kayla, who just turned 31 years old and still kicks it around with the young 'uns like there's no tomorrow!
6) I believe in the saying, "The more you know, the more you know you don't know" - particularly where horses are concerned. I continue to get lessons from my own instructor regularly, although not as often as I'd like. I am keen to learn from everyone in all disciplines.
7) I am truly amazed at the response that the blog is receiving.
Although the Versatile Blog rules ask for a list of fifteen blogs that I like to read, I have to disappoint as I regularly read only eight.
1. Goins, Writer: Jeff Goins writes about all things writing, and even more about just life in general.
2. The Write Practice: This is a community of writers and the subject is writing - skills, techniques, styles, even word studies. And yes, I do practice (as in, post some pieces there) but not as often as I should.
3. MindBodyGreen: This site has never-ending posts about everything and anything to do with health: healthy eating, exercise, yoga, meditation, weight loss... you name it. I find myself regularly reading their well-researched topics.
4. Writability: This is a blog written by a Ava Jae, a writer. She explores all sorts of topics related to writing.
5. SnarkyRider: I go here when I want a good laugh about all things horse-related.
6. Becky Hart Horsepro: Becky Hart is a long distance rider heroine of mine. I've known of her for years and was thrilled to find her blogging her endurance riding adventures here.
7. Horse Junkies United: There are a group of writers that post for this blog. They go personally to events and write their impressions for their readers. I regularly enjoy their insights and news from equestrian events around the world.
8. Hay-Net: Although not technically a blog, this is a website FILLED with horsey blogs! I post there and read other people's blogs too.
If you don't already know, Horse Listening has also been nominated in the Top Ten Best Blog list for the 2012 Equestrian Social Media Awards. If you haven't voted for us already, you still have until February 8th. Please go here and select Horse Listening in Category 17.
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Other awards and recognition: