Focus On Transitions – Week 3

Title 3I hope you've enjoyed working on the previous weeks' transition exercises. If you haven't seen them yet, click on the links below for the first two weeks. You'll find detailed descriptions of the aids for each transition in the text of the the first two weeks.

Focus on Transitions - Week 1

Focus on Transitions - Week 2



Things are getting a little more complicated this week! We're going to head into a bit more challenge with non-progressive transitions (specifically walk/canter/walk) and a walk/canter straight line transition. In general, straight line transitions are more difficult than transitions on turns (the horses want to fell left or right). There is also a canter loop and 15-metre circles at each end of the ring.

If you have a young horse or beginner rider, feel free to change the gaits to the ability level that is needed. For example, trot instead of canter, come off the pattern when needed (nothing is written is stone!) or make the circles larger. Always suit the exercise to the student and horse, and set them up for success before moving on.

Here we go!


  • properly placed 15-metre circles
  • straight and balanced canter-walk transitions
  • Effective corners
  • Transitions within a straight line
  • Impulsion to, through and after the transitions
  • Effective half-halts before and after changes (gait and bend)



1. Walk

Start with a strong, marching walk. Keep reins short enough for the upcoming canter transition. Legs should be on and seat is walking.

2. Prepare

Half-halt two to three strides before the canter transition. This half-halt might be just a "whispering" half-halt because you are at the walk and there is little impulsion. Be sure your half-halt doesn't block the horse, but rather, softens him over the top line and prepares him for a deeper hind end stride as you head into the canter.

3. Canter Transition

Inside leg stays firm at the girth, helping the horse stay straight.

Outside leg does a "windshield wiper" movement behind the girth.

Seat canters.

Ideally, these aids happen in quick succession, almost at the same time. Be sure that your seat continues in the canter after the first canter stride. You might need to keep your outside leg back over the first few strides to secure the canter lead.

4. Walk Transition

After achieving a rhythmical, strong canter, prepare to walk with a series of half-halts.

Both legs become active - they put pressure on the girth, asking the hind end to come underneath for the transition.

Half-halt a few strides before the transition.

Seat changes to walk.

You might need a few half-halts after the walk transition as well, to establish an active rhythm.


Transition Exercise #3. © Horse Listening, 2015

Once again, adapt this exercise to your ring size. The letters are there for reference only.

Start at the red arrow, just before C. You are walking on the left rein.

Canter transition at C. Left 15-metre circle beginning and ending at C.

Walk transition after C, before the corner. Walk through the corner, while preparing for another canter transition.

Canter loop from H to X to K. This requires the horse to do a mild counter-canter but maintain the left lead. You might need to encourage more activity through this part in order to maintain balance and roundness (work over the topline).

Before K, prepare to walk. Walk at K, before the corner. Walk to A.

Before A, prepare to trot.

At A, do a 15-metre left circle at trot.Continue through the corner, preparing to walk.

Walk at F. Between F and P, prepare for a walk to canter transition. Shorten the walk strides and increase the energy level. You might need to work at keeping your horse straight through this short walk as well.

Left lead canter at P. Maintain the straight line to M.

Before M, prepare to walk. Walk at M.

You can start the whole thing over and do the left side a few times before you change directions to the right side.

I rode this exercise myself this week with Cyrus. The transitions do come up quickly and the relative "straightness" of the whole thing gives little room for rest. But it kept us on our toes and had Cyrus working well from the hind end when all was said and done! His gaits got freer and more balanced as we went through it several times. His rhythm slowed a bit and felt more purposeful at all the gaits. The walk breaks gave us a chance to gather ourselves for the next part of the exercise.

Most importantly, it was fun!

Have you been working on these exercises? I'd love to hear how they are working for you. Leave a comment below, or email me at

Happy riding! 

If you like this sort of pattern work, join my Practice Sessions Premium Membership. The Practice Sessions are a complete program beginning with exercises like the one above, designed to improve specific aspects of the horse and rider. All set up and ready to go, all you have to do is watch the video, print off the pattern PDF and head to the barn!

But there's so much more! There's quality of movement exercises, theory "Mini-Lessons" on specific aids and figures, a fantastic group of riders who motivate and encourage each other, and so much more! Click here to learn more.

Disclaimer: Use this as a guideline but you might need your instructor to respond to your individual needs. By using information on this site, you agree and understand that you are fully responsible for your progress, results and safety. Everything offered on this site is for entertainment purposes only. We offer no representations, warranties or guarantees verbally or in writing regarding your improvement or your horse’s response or results of any kind. Always use the information on this site with a view toward safety for both you and your horse. Use your common sense when around horses.

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Focus on Transitions – Week 1


Active, balanced transitions are among the most fundamental parts of riding. Transitions are like a pass in hockey, a volley to your teammate in volleyball, or the skate-up to a jump in figure skating. Without a good transition, the horse will be unable to balance into the next movement, no matter how hard he scrambles after the fact.

On week one of our Focus on Transitions, we're going to focus on walk/trot/walk transitions as well as left/right changes of direction.

I'll go over the aids for both the up and down transitions and then you'll get our exercise of the week. We'll also go through the three types of transitions. All three types can be included in our exercise. Please feel free to let me know how things go in the comments at the bottom of the page.



Walk-Trot-Walk Transition, Change of Direction and Change of Circle Size (Bend)

Due to the 10m circle, this exercise is suitable for horses and riders with some previous training. You can simplify it for young horses or beginner riders by working on 20m circles only.


  • Balance
  • Impulsion
  • Beginning of topline use
  • Beginning lateral suppleness
  • Maintenance of rhythm through the changes
  • Accuracy of circle size, 20m and 10m

The walk-trot-walk transition is a basic movement but don't be fooled by its simplicity! Many horses, trained or not, have difficulty managing a balanced, energetic transition in these gaits. We will work on the preparation to each transition to help develop impulsion to, through and after each gait change.

Change of direction and circle size is also added in this exercise to help the horse (and rider) develop a beginning level of suppleness and balance.


Please note that these are general aids that do not necessarily resolve specific problems.*

Trot Transition From the Walk

  1. Start with a good walk.

  2. Prepare to trot.

  3. Trot.

  4. Go!

  5. Half-halt.

Start with a good walk.

As in, don't just drag your horse into the trot. Get a good march, preferably on a large circle with a mild bend. Establish a strong walk rhythm before heading into a trot.

Prepare to trot.

Use a mild half-halt two or three strides before the transition. Keep the strong, forward walk footfalls right to the transition (as in, don't allow the horse to slow down or conversely, speed up the last couple of strides).


Start with your seat. Trot in your seatbones.

Add legs - even pressure on both sides. Use as little as you need, but as much as you need.

Maintain your rein length.

Don't get left behind when the horse trots off. Do you best to not pull back on the reins through the transition (we all do this even subconsciously). However, also do your best to not let the reins out during the transition. We also do this when we're trying to not pull!


After the legs change, ask for a couple of steps of increased impulsion. This might sound counter-intuitive until you realize that the horse should have increased energy to allow the hind legs to come deeper underneath the body just as the trot is beginning. Let the horse give you this slight energy surge and ride it through. Don't block with your hands through this moment.


This is like the icing on the cake. In order to help your horse maintain balance through the gait change, you still need to "recycle" the energy back to the hind end. Some horses need very slight half-halts (maybe even just from a little finger squeezing on the reins) while others need a true rebalancing from the seat. You might even have to adjust your half-halt strength in different times for the same horse. Again, stick to the same rule - use as little strength as you need but as much as you need.

Walk Transition From the Trot

  1. Start with a good trot.

  2. Prepare to walk.

  3. Walk.

  4. Go!

  5. Half-halt.

You might be noticing a pattern in the transition aids.

The down transition aids are pretty much the same as the up transition aids. I won't repeat everything I already said above for the walk/trot transition, but all the explanations would be the same - just with opposite gaits.

Use your seat the same way (switch from trot to walk), use your half-halts in the same way, and use the Step #4 "Go" the same way, after your horse is walking. Do use your leg aids as you prepare to walk. Keep your legs on in the transition.

What you shouldn't do is use your reins to pull your way into the walk. Half-halts should do nicely and then your seat can take over from there.


Transition Exercise #1 © Horse Listening, 2015

We'll start with a variation on regular figure eights.

This first diagram is drawn on a large 20x60 metre ring. The second diagram is drawn for a smaller, 20x40m ring. Unless you're using these exercises for show preparation, the size of your ring doesn't matter as much as the accuracy and consistency in size of your circles.

Let's say you are starting the exercise at C, going left.

Start with a 20-m circle to the left, at the trot.

You will go around the circle one and a half times. So, you start at C but finish on the opposite end of the circle at #1.

Transition to the next circle to the right. The catch here is that the right circle is going to be half the size of the left circle: only 10m.

Transition Exercise #1, smaller ring © Horse Listening, 2015

Go around that circle one and a half times to #2.

Transition to the next 20m circle, going left again until you get to #3.

Finish with a 10m circle going right.

At the end of the pattern, continue on the rail going in the same direction as the last circle (right). This will take you back to C, going to the right.

You can run through the pattern 4 times to practice each side twice.


There are three types of transitions in this pattern.

Each circle requires a change of direction. The repeated left and right changes will help to supple your horse laterally. Remember to use your inside seat and leg aid in preparation of the new direction.

The change in circle size helps your horse bend more on the smaller circle, thus requiring a deeper stride from the inside hind leg. Then the next large circle allows the horse to use that increased engagement into a more forward, powerful stride using a smaller bend. See if you can develop a steady tempo in both the large and small circles.

Once you have a good handle on the figure, add gait changes within the circles. Start at the trot and do a walk transition at each midpoint of the circle. You can make it easier for your horse by walking 5 strides. Or you can increase the level of difficulty by limiting the walk to only 3 strides. Just make sure that you do get a walk, and that the walk is at a good marching pace. Then go back to the trot.

Try this exercise a few times this week and see what you think. Does it help your horse develop better suppleness left and right? Do the 10m circles encourage your horse to lighten the front end a bit? Do you run into any problems through any of the transitions? Let us know in the comments below. 

If you like this sort of pattern work, join my Practice Sessions Premium Membership. The Practice Sessions are a complete program beginning with exercises like the one above, designed to improve specific aspects of the horse and rider. All set up and ready to go, all you have to do is watch the video, print off the pattern PDF and head to the barn!

But there's so much more! There's quality of movement exercises, theory "Mini-Classes" on specific aids and figures, a fantastic group of riders who motivate and encourage each other, and so much more! Click here to learn more.

Disclaimer: Use this as a guideline but you might need your instructor to respond to your individual needs. By using information on this site, you agree and understand that you are fully responsible for your progress, results and safety. We offer no representations, warranties or guarantees verbally or in writing regarding your improvement or your horse's response or results of any kind. Always use the information on this site with a view toward safety for both you and your horse. Use your common sense when around horses.

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Horse Listening Book 4
Click to learn more.

Buy the book for many more riding tips! Horse Listening – Book 4: 20-Minute Exercises To Add Variety To Your Riding Routine

Available as an eBook or paperback.

Read more on transitions and circles here:

The Five Stages of a Transition

7 Essential Aids For An Epic Canter Transition 

How The “Not Canter” Can Drastically Improve Your Transitions

Drawing a Circle (in Sand)
