As a colour, gray gives variance to the spectrum between black and white.
But with horses, "being" gray leaves too much unsaid, too many questions, too many options to choose from.
I'll tell you why gray doesn't work.
Gray Is
- wishy-washy
- unclear
- muddy
- unsure
- insecure
- confusing
Gray is simply too much in the middle.
- do better with a straight yes or no
- want all the wrong options eliminated
- gain confidence from a confident rider
- prefer clarity
It is true that horses are constantly communicating with you. Through their physical interactions, they ask questions and answer yours. This regular interaction is the foundation of your training program. One of the most critical personal attributes a good rider has is clarity of aids and requests.
Often, the horses that find leader-humans are the happiest, most content horses to ride. They can rely on their partner to be clear, concise and sure. There is no guesswork required of the horse.
So how does this impact your regular riding routine?
Be Black and White in Riding
If you ask for a canter, get that canter. Don't let the horse trot away faster and faster until you finally just pull him up. If he trots off, slow the trot, ask for the canter again. Repeat. Be clear. Be concise. Maybe you need to reestablish the inside bend. Correct a dropped shoulder and then ask again.
If you asked for a turn, follow through when the horse drifts to the outside. Catch the horse's outside shoulder with the rein, use your outside leg to encourage better straightness from the rib cage, and encourage more impulsion from the hind end with your seat and leg aids.
Timeliness is the key when it comes to clarity. Don't wait ten, twenty, thirty or more strides before following through on your request. The quicker you can respond, the easier it will be for your horse to make connections.
If your horse needs to do something more basic, change the plan. But be specific in your intentions and reinforce/review/change the approach as required.
Stick to your program.
Be an active rider.
Have you recently had a "black/white" moment during a ride? Comment below.
Finally! The Ultimate Rider-Centered Program!
Ready for something completely different? If you liked what you read here, you might be interested in the Horse Listening Practice Sessions.
This is NOT a program where you watch other people's riding lessons. Start working with your horse from Day 1.
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